












注意:在获取公众平台AppID的同时,也要获取App Secret,这个跟微信商户平台Api Secret是不同的。



  • 前端请求微信,获取用户授权后,回调我们之前配置的域名下的一个地址:
curl 'https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?
# 若提示“该链接无法访问”,请检查参数是否填写错误,是否拥有scope参数对应的授权作用域权限。
# 因为我们只要获取openid,所以可以scope可以使用snsapi_base,可以静默授权,无需用户同意
# 之后页面将跳转至 redirect_uri/?code=CODE&state=STATE
  • 微信回调我们的redirect_uri(我们使用一个前端的地址作为这个uri),前端拿到回调中的code之后,在支付的时候一同传递给后端;
  • 后端使用code, appid, secret等请求微信,换取openid
  • 使用openid和其他支付参数,使用统一下单api请求获取prepare_id
  • 使用秘钥签名前端需要的请求,将sign和参数一同返回给前端


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Elasticsearch: Join and SubQuery

Elasticsearch: Join and SubQuery Tony was bothered by the recent change of search engine requirement: they want the functionality of SQL-like join in Elasticsearch! “They are crazy! How can they think like that. Didn’t they understand that Elasticsearch is kind-of NoSQL 1 in which every index should be independent and self-contained? In this way, every index can work independently and scale as they like without considering other indexes, so the performance can boost. Following this design principle, Elasticsearch has little related supports.” Tony thought, after listening their requirements. Leader notice tony’s unwillingness and said, “Maybe it is hard to do, but the requirement is reasonable. We need to search person by his friends, didn’t we? What’s more, the harder to implement, the more you can learn from it, right?” Tony thought leader’s word does make sense so he set out to do the related implementations Application-Side Join “The first implementation

Implement isdigit

It is seems very easy to implement c library function isdigit , but for a library code, performance is very important. So we will try to implement it and make it faster. Function So, first we make it right. int isdigit ( char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9' ; } Improvements One – Macro When it comes to performance for c code, macro can always be tried. #define isdigit (c) c >= '0' && c <= '9' Two – Table Upper version use two comparison and one logical operation, but we can do better with more space: # define isdigit(c) table[c] This works and faster, but somewhat wasteful. We need only one bit to represent true or false, but we use a int. So what to do? There are many similar functions like isalpha(), isupper ... in c header file, so we can combine them into one int and get result by table[c]&SOME_BIT , which is what source do. Source code of ctype.h : # define _ISbit(bit) (1 << (