
Spring 拦截 DAO






        pointcut = "execution(public * dao.AccountDao+.deleteX(..))",
        returning = "affectedRowCount"
public void delete(JoinPoint joinPoint, int affectedRowCount) {
    if (affectedRowCount == 1) {
        xCache.delete((Integer) joinPoint.getArgs()[0]);




public interface AccountDao extends GenericDao {

    @DAOAction(action = DAOActionType.UPDATE)
    public int delete(@DAOParam("accountId") int accountId);



<bean id="accountDao" parent="parentDao">
    <property name="proxyInterfaces"
              value="dao.AccountDao" />
    <property name="target">
        <bean parent="daoRealizeTarget">
            <constructor-arg value="Account" />

<bean id="parentDao" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean" abstract="true">
    <property name="interceptorNames">

<!-- The introduce interceptor for all Dao  -->
<bean id="daoRealizer" class="dao.DAORealizer" />

<!-- The advisor for inject interceptor -->
<bean id="daoRealizerAdvisor" class="org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor">
    <property name="advice" ref="daoRealizer" />
    <property name="expression" value="execution(* dao..*.*(..)) and !execution(* xx.dao..*.*(..))" />


<bean id="accountDao" parent="parentDao">

而这个父类是由spring的ProxyFactoryBean创建的,需要注意的是:像其它的FactoryBean实现一样,ProxyFactoryBean引入了一个间接层。如果你定义一个名为parentDao的ProxyFactoryBean, 引用parentDao的对象看到的将不是ProxyFactoryBean实例本身,而是一个ProxyFactoryBean实现里getObject() 方法所创建的对象。 这个方法将创建一个AOP代理,它包装了一个目标对象。

<bean id="parentDao" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean" abstract="true">



<bean id="daoRealizer" class="x.dao.DAORealizer" />

<!-- The advisor for inject interceptor -->
<bean id="daoAutoRealizerAdvisor" class="org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor">
    <property name="advice" ref="daoAutoRealizer" />
    <property name="expression" value="execution(* com.dianping..dao..*.*(..)) and !execution(* com.dianping.avatar..dao..*.*(..))" />


public class DAORealizer implements IntroductionInterceptor {

   public Object invoke(final MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {

      // some pre-condition check

      DAOMethod daoMethod = DAOUtils
      .createDAOMethod(methodInvocation.getMethod(), methodInvocation.getArguments());

      final GenericDao genericDao = (GenericDao) methodInvocation.getThis();

      if (daoMethod.actionType == DAOActionType.LOAD) {
         return genericDao.executeLoad(daoMethod);

      if (daoMethod.actionType == DAOActionType.QUERY) {
         return genericDao.executeQuery(daoMethod);

      // ... other different type

      return methodInvocation.proceed();

看到这里,真相大白,原来我们对于这个Dao的调用本来就已经是被spring的interceptor1给拦截了, DaoRealizer这个Advisor在我们的aop advice之前(怎么知道在我们的aop之前的?见下一段解释),而且他直接调用的便是return genericDao.executeXXX(daoMethod);,就不会调用之后的proceed方法了2.

就是如下代码片段,在此处设置断点,可以看到对某个join point的interceptors,并且interceptors是有顺序的,可以看到不同interceptor的先后关系

public class AdvisedSupport extends ProxyConfig implements Advised {

    public List<Object> getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(Method method, Class targetClass) {
        MethodCacheKey cacheKey = new MethodCacheKey(method);
        List<Object> cached = this.methodCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (cached == null) {
            cached = this.advisorChainFactory.getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(
                    this, method, targetClass);
            this.methodCache.put(cacheKey, cached);
        return cached;




        pointcut = "execution(public * x.dao.GenericDao.executeInsert(..))",
        returning = "id"
public void insertId(JoinPoint joinPoint, int id) {
    final DAOMethod daoMethod = (DAOMethod) joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
    if (daoMethod.getName().equals("addAccount")) {




public class AccountDaoProxy implements AccountDao {

    private AccountDao realAccountDao;

    @DAOAction(action = DAOActionType.UPDATE)
    public int delete(@DAOParam("accountId") int accountId) {
        return accountDao.delete(accountId);

<bean id="accountDao" class="dao.AccountDaoProxy"/>

<bean id="realAccountDao" parent="parentDao">

        pointcut = "execution(public * dao.AccountDaoProxy.delete(..))",
        returning = "affectedRowCount"
public void delete(JoinPoint joinPoint, int affectedRowCount) {}





A child bean definition inherits configuration data from a parent definition. The child definition can override some values, or add others, as needed.


<property name="interceptorNames">


public class CacheUpdater implements IntroductionInterceptor {
    private void deleteId(int innerAccountId, int affectedRowCount) {
        if (affectedRowCount == 1) {

    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {
        final Object proceed = methodInvocation.proceed();
        final String methodName = methodInvocation.getMethod().getName();
        if (methodName.equals("addAccount")) {
            insertId((Integer) proceed);
        } else if (methodName.equals("deleteAccount")) {
            final Integer id = (Integer) methodInvocation.getArguments()[0];
            deleteId(id, (Integer) proceed);
        return proceed;

    private void insertId(int innerAccountId) {




public class CacheUpdater {

    private AccountCache accountCache;

    @Around(value = "execution(public * dao.AccountDao+.addAccount(..))")
    public Object insertId(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) {
        Object proceed = null;
        try {
            proceed = pjp.proceed();
            accountCache.insert((Integer) proceed);
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
        return proceed;

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  1. Advice: action taken by an aspect at a particular join point. Different types of advice include “around,” “before” and “after” advice. (Advice types are discussed below.) Many AOP frameworks, including Spring, model an advice as an interceptor, maintaining a chain of interceptors around the join point
  2. interceptors的结构类似与责任链或者是servlet中的filter:可以想象一个调用链,调用proceed则进入下一个节点,在中间某一环return就直接返回了,之后的interceptor或是真正的实现,都没有机会被调用了!也就是说我们之后添加的advice是不会被调用的!!



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