Recently, we decided to refactor the Filter
module of [Syncer](
, which is used to be implemented by Spring EL
. We want to refactor it for three reasons:
- The
Spring EL
is not so fast compared with native Java code; - The config specified by
Spring EL
is rather hard to write and maintain; - The config expression defined by myself is rather limited in supported syntax;
So, we came up with two options to upgrade it:
- First, we upgrade config expression with better hierarchy and support more powerful expression;
- Second, we introduced the Java code to do the config;
The first option is not related with this post, so we will skip to next one: config application using Java code.
In syncer, we listen on change of different input
, and manipulate the data via filter
module, then output to target output
like following:
version: 1.2
consumerId: sample1
- connection:
port: 1234
scheduler: mod
- name: "simple"
- name: test
fields: [id, test]
- switcher:
switch: "table"
case: # support default branch
"affair": ["#suffix = '-' + row['id']","#type = 'INDEX_AFFAIR'", "renameField('xx', 'yy')" ]
"file": ["#suffix = '-' + row['id']","#type = 'INDEX_FILE'", "addRow('type', '0')"]
"folder": ["#suffix = '-' + row['id']","#type = 'INDEX_FILE'", "addRow('type', '1')"]
- statement: [ "#tags = row['tags']", "updateField('tags', new java.util.ArrayList())", "removeFields('id', 'xid')"]
- foreach:
var: "tag"
in: "#tags?.split('\n')"
statement: ["#map = new java.util.HashMap()", "#map.put('des', #tag)", "row.get('tags').add(#map)"]
- if:
condition: "table == 'affair'"
copy: [row]
postCreation: ["table = 'role'", "row['id']"]
drop: {}
# filter result class:
port: 9700
"parentId": "row['parent_id']"
"superId": "row['superid']"
"allianceId": "row['id']"
"row.*": "row.*.flatten"
"type": "extra['type']"
So, for a better config usability, we decided to support Java code to do the filter
module, which is relative simpler to write and more powerful.
In order to do it, we need to do following steps:
- Read config code from file;
- Compile the code to byte code;
- Load class and run it to process data;
The first task is relative simple and we will focus on second and third jobs. By some searching, we can found some sample code of Java Compiler API
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, null, null, classPath.toString());
Class<?> cls;
try {
URLClassLoader classLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[]{path.getParent().toUri().toURL()}, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
cls = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader);
return (SyncFilter) cls.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | MalformedURLException e) {
logger.error("Syncer bug", e);
return null;
Notice that in the init of classLoader
, we pass the current class’s classLoader
because in the code to do the config, we may use some clazz of Syncer
and this can resolve classpath
problem of classLoader
- method: `public void filter(List<SyncData> list) {
for (SyncData d : list) {
// ...
Inside of Jar
The above demo runs fine in IDEA, but fails when we package it into Jar. It complains that some import
can’t be found. Though some trials, we realize that the classpath
of compiler
is different inside of Jar. By setting classpath
, finally it works with simple Jar.
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
StandardJavaFileManager fm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostic -> logger.error("{}, {}", diagnostic.getLineNumber(), diagnostic.getSource().toUri()), null, null);
try {
fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Lists.newArrayList(new File(System.getProperty("java.class.path"))));
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Fail to set location for compiler file manager", e);
if (, null, null, path) != 0) {
ShutDownCenter.initShutDown(new InvalidConfigException());
Spring Boot
Actually, we use Spring Boot
at the beginning, which has different Jar file structure and fails the solution. We come up with following possible solutions:
- Implement
to find clazz inSpring Boot
liked Jar; - Build a shaded Jar from
Spring Boot
liked Jar; - Start application in simple Jar;
The second option fails and considering we are planned to reduce the dependency of Syncer
, we finally use the third option to finish the job.
Written with StackEdit.