In this blog, we will apply Logstash in our project. In this process, we first choose the tech stack, then solve the problem one by one.
Because there exists many different types of input source, we have to choose the one that suitable for our system to use:
- business application directly write to Logstash by socket/http
- parse log file using Filebeat, then send to Logstash
- via message queue: message queue used as buffer
Taking the availability and data consistency into account, we decided to use the following data flow:
business app -> slf4j & logback -> file
-> filebeat -> logstash -> ES -> kibana
Source: SLF4J & Logback
SLF4J & Logback are very powerful log library for Java that we have introduced some features of it here.
Log Pattern
In our scenario, we customize our project as following, which is very similar to the Spring Boot’s default logging pattern:
logging.pattern.file=%d %5p --- [%t] %-40.40c{39} : %m%n%ex
logging.pattern.console=%d %5p --- [%t] %-40.40c{39} : %m%n%ex
Pattern Rule
: represent a variable, can be set
: used in${}
, represent the default value of variable
The following is part of config cited from Spring Boot’s config:
<property name="FILE_LOG_PATTERN" value="${FILE_LOG_PATTERN:-%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p} ${PID:- } --- [%t] %-40.40logger{39} : %m%n${LOG_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_WORD:-%wEx}}"/>
Sender: Filebeat
Then, we can use Filebeat to read log file and parse and send them. The following is the config we need to care and use.
Tail Log
When application is running, new log will append to log file. Filebeat will automatically detect log file change and send new log entries.
The backoff
option defines how long Filebeat waits before checking a file again after EOF is reached. The default is 1s, which means the file is checked every second if new lines were added.
Log Rotation
As normal log library, Logback will rotate the log file when some condition is met, i.e. date or size.
Filebeat can handle this situation automatically: it will continue to read from the rotated log even after it is renamed until the file reaches a certain age (base on modified time) or is deleted. It tracks the file by inode number which doesn’t change when renamed. It will also periodically look for a new files matching the xxx.log
file name so that can start reading from the new log file when it is created.
New File Discovery
We can controll the Filebeat new file discovery behavior by setting scan_frequency
As we have said in last blog, trying to implement multiline event handling in Logstash may result in the mixing of streams and corrupted data. So we can use following option to handle multiline exception in Filebeat:
multiline.pattern: '(^[a-zA-Z.]+(Error|Exception): .+)|(^\s+at .+)|(^\s+... \d+ )|(^\s*Caused by:.+)'
multiline.negate: false
multiline.match: after
Terminal: Logstash
Because we have enabled Logstash’s persist queue, which can be used as a buffer layer, we don’t need to use message queue. The log data now reach the Logstash.
Example Config
Here is the Logstash and Filebeat config file of our projects:
- enable the persistent queue
- enable debug & set debug level
- enable slow log detection
Performance Troubleshooting Guide
Because logstash is a Java application with many JRuby plugins, i.e. running on JVM, we can profile and tune it like any normal Java application. The following is the checklist to follow if we come across performance problem in production:
- performance of input/output plugins
- system statistics:
- cpu
- memory
- I/O
- disk
- network
- JVM heap
- Logstash worker settings customization
The system and JVM statistic can be monitored by X-Pack and viewed by Kibana, which is very handy to use.
Problem List
Warning at Startup
When start Logstash from command line, it will complain the following warning:
WARNING: Could not find logstash.yml which is typically located in $LS_HOME/config or /etc/logstash. You can specify the path using --path.settings. Continuing using the defaults
Could not find log4j2 configuration at path /usr/share/logstash/config/
But the config file do exists in /etc/logstash
Through some searching, we found the discussion in ELK community, which says if we start Logstash from cmd, it will only look at config file in $LS_HOME/config
. Only when we start Logstash by service, i.e. in a daemon process, will it look in /etc/logstash
So we don’t need to worry about the warning when use it.
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