
Elasticsearch Introduction Speech Note


node, cluster

master: creating or deleting an index, or adding or removing a node from the cluster

index, mapping/type, document

Term Elasticsearch Equivalent in RDMS
Index collection of different type of documents and document properties database
Shards the horizontal separation of a index X
Type/Mapping collection of dicuments sharing a set of common fields table
Document collection of fields defined in JSON row
ID Every document is associated with ID primary key


-------        --------          --------
 Node0          Node1             Node2
 shard0         shard1              
 shard1                           shard0
--------       --------          --------
  • one copy of replicas
  • two copy of data & two shards (shard0, shard1)
  • three nodes



curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/my_index/my_type/_search' -d'
    "query": {
        "match": {
            "title": "BROWN DOG!"


  • use
  • debug
  • opt
  • binary search
  • hashmap
  • skiplist
  • tree: binary tree, red-black tree, B+ tree
  • heap

Another data structure: Inverted index

  1. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
  2. Quick brown foxes leap over lazy dogs in summer

A simple inverted index may looks like:

Term      Doc_1  Doc_2
Quick   |       |  X
The     |   X   |
brown   |   X   |  X
dog     |   X   |
dogs    |       |  X
fox     |   X   |
foxes   |       |  X
in      |       |  X
jumped  |   X   |
lazy    |   X   |  X
leap    |       |  X
over    |   X   |  X
quick   |   X   |
summer  |       |  X
the     |   X   |

If we search for quick brown, we will get the following results:

Term      Doc_1  Doc_2
brown   |   X   |  X
quick   |   X   |
Total   |   2   |  1


Two design choice

  • Immutable

    • No need of locking
      • programmer
      • performance: avoid distributed lock
    • Cache friendly
      • file system cache
  • Updatable: multiple version index, example.

    • Segments: fsync
    • Memory buffer
    • Disk cache: refresh – write new entry into disk cache, which is the lightweight way to make new documents visible to search
    • Transaction log

Inverted Index + NoSQL


Three core algorithm

  • routing: search for id=1
    • which shard: distributed hash table
    • which node: round robin
  • analyzer: inverted index revisit
    • character filter: could be used to strip out HTML, or to convert & characters to the word and
    • tokenizer
    • token filter: change/add/remove term
Term      Doc_1  Doc_2
brown   |   X   |  X
dog     |   X   |  X
fox     |   X   |  X
in      |       |  X
jump    |   X   |  X
lazy    |   X   |  X
over    |   X   |  X
quick   |   X   |  X
summer  |       |  X
the     |   X   |  X
  • scoring
    • term frequency: “test” – “a test in test” vs “test in”
    • field length: “title” vs “content”
    • inverse document frequency: across multiple documents


Document Deletion

When a document is “deleted,” it is actually just marked as deleted in the .del file. A document that has been marked as deleted can still match a query, but it is removed from the results list before the final query results are returned.

version-1 version-2
a a’
version-1.del version-2.del

Master election

Once a node joins, it will send a join request to the master.

There are two fault detection processes running. The first is by the master, to ping all the other nodes in the cluster and verify that they are alive. And on the other end, each node pings to master to verify if its still alive or an election process needs to be initiated.

ZenDiscovery service elect like this:

  • Each node calculates the lowest known node id and sends a vote for leadership to this node
  • If a node receives sufficiently many votes and the node also voted for itself, then it takes on the role of leader and starts publishing cluster state.

Update collision

  • document has version number
  • optimistic locking: CAS like, compare version and update if version match
  • auto retry
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/designs/shirt/1/_update?retry_on_conflict=5' -d'
   "script" : "ctx._source.votes += 1"




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