Elasticsearch MySQL Sync Challenge (4): Quality Attributes Tony was called into the leader’s office. After the basic functionality is fulfilled, Tony has started to review the quality attributes of the project. Extensibility “The syncer you have completed works great and it has good extensibility for its relative loose restriction between different modules (input, filter, output). Now, we need one more output choice: to output to MySQL server. How long do you think to finish this feature?” “Em, at least three days, for both coding and testing.” “Fine, go for it.” The process to extend one more output choice is relative simple: Add MySQL output config config package, which is used to mapping config item in yaml to class; Add MySQL output channel, which is the abstraction remote destination; Add SqlMapper , which convert the SyncData to sql statement when SyncData reach the MySQL output channel; The first item is implemented very fast but the seco...
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