Recently, when using spring aop in our project, we fail to intercept the targeted method, so we come up with a checklist for use, as following shows. CheckList Web.xml: Spring Starting Point Config File Location Component Scan and Annotations Enable AOP Aspect Register Public in Method Signature AOP with Arguments: Method Signature: long and Long Order Debug Misunderstanding Handler Interceptor vs Spring AOP Public in Execution Expression CGLIB vs Proxy Ref CheckList Web.xml : Spring Starting Point The first thing we need to check is the web.xml , this is where spring is initialized and loaded into your web application. By configure listener of application, spring custom log4j initialization ( Log4jConfigListener ) and init itself ( ContextLoaderListener ). By setting spring dispatch servlet, spring load the config file of spring mvc, beans, aop etc, then mapping all web application to dispatcher, which enable spring mvc works. < liste...
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